dimanche 30 mars 2008

Les logiciels libres, solutions pour la gestion de l'information?

Les logiciels libres, solutions pour la gestion de l'information?

Bibliographic Description

FERCHAUD, Bernadette. Les logiciels libres, solutions pour la gestion de l'information?. (on line). ADBS. Availables at:
http://www.adbs.fr/uploads/journees/2871_fr.php . (Visited: 2007-11-12)


Presents open source software definition and the positives points. Presents web content management system applications too.

Dublin Core analysis

DC Title: Les logiciels libres, solutions pour la gestion de l'information?
DC Creator: FERCHAUD, Bernadette
DC Identifier:
DC Description: Presents various utilisation of open source software.
DC Subject: Content Management System; Management of informations
DC Type: text
DC Langage: French
DC Rights: ADBS
DC Coverage: France

mercredi 26 mars 2008

Les logiciels libres et leur statut juridique

Les logiciels libres et leur statut juridique

Bibliographic description

FROCHOT, Didier. Les logiciels libres et leur statut juridique. (on line). Les Infostratèges. Available at:
http://www.les-infostrateges.com/article/0506248/les-logiciels-libres-et-leur-statut-juridique . (Visited: 2007-01-12)


Presents open source software definition, the copyleft and freeware software.

Dublin Core analysis

DC Title: Les logiciels libres et leur statut juridique
DC Creator: FROCHOT, Didier
DC Identifier:
DC Date: 2005-17-06
DC Description: Presents open source software definition, its cost, and other open source software like freeware software.
DC Subject: copyleft; Free Software Foundation; freeware; General Public License; open source
DC Format: HTML
DC Type: text
DC Langage: French
DC Rights: Les Infostratèges
DC Coverrage: France

GNU General Public License: Version 3

GNU General Public License: Version 3

Bibliographic description

Free Software Foundation. GNU General Public License: Version 3. (on line). GNU Operating System. Available at:
http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.htm (Visited: 2008-26-03)


Presents General Public License utilisation and conditions to use it.

Dublin Core analysis

DC Title: GNU General Public License: Version 3
DC Cretaor: Free Software Foundation
DC Identifier:
DC Date: 2007-29-06
DC Description: Presents the GNU General Public License, version 3.
DC Subject: copyleft; copyright; Free Software Foundation; General Public License
DC Format: HTML
DC Type: text
DC Langage: English
DC Rights: Free Software Foundation
DC Coverage: USA

jeudi 20 mars 2008

Free and Open Source Software overview and preliminary guidelines for the Government of Canada

Free and Open Source Software Overview and preliminary guidelines for the Government of Canada

Bibliographic Description:

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. Free and Open Source Software overview and preliminary guidelines for the Government of Canada. (on line). Chief Information Officer Branch (CIOB). Available at: http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/fap-paf/oss-ll/foss-llo/foss-llo_e.asp. (Visited: 2008-03-20)


Presents an executive summary about a report made in order to compare the cost of open source software and proprietary software.

Dublin Core analysis:

DC Title: Free and Open Source Software overview and preliminary guidelines for the Government of Canada
DC Creator: Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
DC Identifier:

DC Date: 2008-04-26
DC Description: Presents a summary about the cost of open source software
DC Subject: commercial off-the-shelf; free and open source software; software; source code
DC Format: HTML
DC Type: Text
DC Langage: English
DC Rights: Treasury Board of Canada
DC Relation:
DC Coverage:

jeudi 13 mars 2008

Getting started with Open Source

Getting started with Open Source

Bibliographic description

MORGAN LEASE, Eric. Getting strated with Open Source. Infopeople. Available at:
http://www.infopeople.org/workshop/243. (Visited: 2008-02-15)


Presents workshop description about open source software in libraries, the preliminary course outline, and who should attend. Presents the online learning details and the prerequisites.

Dublin Core analysis

DC Title:
Getting started with Open Source
DC Creator: MORGAN LEASE, Eric
DC Identifier:
DC Description: Presents open source software in libraries and their advantages.
DC Subject: shareware; workshop
DC Format: HTML
DC Type: Text
DC Langage: English
DC Rights: Infopeople
DC Coverage: USA