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Les logiciels libres, solutions pour la gestion de l'information?
Bibliographic Description
FERCHAUD, Bernadette. Les logiciels libres, solutions pour la gestion de l'information?. (on line). ADBS. Availables at: . (Visited: 2007-11-12)
Presents open source software definition and the positives points. Presents web content management system applications too.
Dublin Core analysis
DC Title: Les logiciels libres, solutions pour la gestion de l'information?
DC Creator: FERCHAUD, Bernadette
DC Identifier:
DC Description: Presents various utilisation of open source software.
DC Subject: Content Management System; Management of informations
DC Type: text
DC Langage: French
DC Rights: ADBS
DC Coverage: France
Les logiciels libres et leur statut juridique
Bibliographic description
FROCHOT, Didier. Les logiciels libres et leur statut juridique. (on line). Les Infostratèges. Available at: . (Visited: 2007-01-12)
Presents open source software definition, the copyleft and freeware software.
Dublin Core analysis
DC Title: Les logiciels libres et leur statut juridique
DC Creator: FROCHOT, Didier
DC Identifier: Date: 2005-17-06
DC Description: Presents open source software definition, its cost, and other open source software like freeware software.
DC Subject: copyleft; Free Software Foundation; freeware; General Public License; open source
DC Format: HTML
DC Type: text
DC Langage: French
DC Rights: Les Infostratèges
DC Coverrage: France
GNU General Public License: Version 3
Bibliographic description
Free Software Foundation. GNU General Public License: Version 3. (on line). GNU Operating System. Available at: (Visited: 2008-26-03)
Presents General Public License utilisation and conditions to use it.
Dublin Core analysis
DC Title: GNU General Public License: Version 3
DC Cretaor: Free Software Foundation
DC Identifier:
DC Date: 2007-29-06
DC Description: Presents the GNU General Public License, version 3.
DC Subject: copyleft; copyright; Free Software Foundation; General Public License
DC Format: HTML
DC Type: text
DC Langage: English
DC Rights: Free Software Foundation
DC Coverage: USA
Free and Open Source Software Overview and preliminary guidelines for the Government of Canada
Bibliographic Description:
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. Free and Open Source Software overview and preliminary guidelines for the Government of Canada. (on line). Chief Information Officer Branch (CIOB). Available at: (Visited: 2008-03-20)
Presents an executive summary about a report made in order to compare the cost of open source software and proprietary software.
Dublin Core analysis:
DC Title: Free and Open Source Software overview and preliminary guidelines for the Government of Canada
DC Creator: Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
DC Identifier:
DC Date: 2008-04-26
DC Description: Presents a summary about the cost of open source software
DC Subject: commercial off-the-shelf; free and open source software; software; source code
DC Format: HTML
DC Type: Text
DC Langage: English
DC Rights: Treasury Board of Canada
DC Relation:
DC Coverage: Canada
Getting started with Open Source
Bibliographic description
MORGAN LEASE, Eric. Getting strated with Open Source. Infopeople. Available at: (Visited: 2008-02-15)
Presents workshop description about open source software in libraries, the preliminary course outline, and who should attend. Presents the online learning details and the prerequisites.
Dublin Core analysis
DC Title: Getting started with Open Source
DC Creator: MORGAN LEASE, Eric
DC Identifier:
DC Description: Presents open source software in libraries and their advantages.
DC Subject: shareware; workshop
DC Format: HTML
DC Type: Text
DC Langage: English
DC Rights: Infopeople
DC Coverage: USA
A quick guide to GPL v3
Bibliographic Description:
SMITH, Breth. A quick guide to GPL v3. (on line). GNU Operating System. Availabel at: (Visited: 2007-12-08)
Presents the foundation of the GPL, ths neutralizing laws that prohibit free software, and how protecting your right to tinker. Explains protection against patent threats, license compatibility and new compatible license.
Dublin Core analysis:
DC Title: A quick guide to GPL v3
DC Creator: SMITH, Breth
DC Identifier:
DC Date: 2008-01-13 (update)
DC Descrition: Presents a guide of the GPL v3 license.
DC Subject: GPL licenses, free software
DC Format: HTML
DC Type: text
DC Langage: English
DC Rights: GNU
DC Relation:
DC Publisher: GNU
DC Coverage: USA
Possibilities for Open Source Software in LibrariesBiliographic Description:MORGAN LEASE, Eric. Possibilities for Open Source Software in Libraries. (on line) Information Technology and Libraries. 2002-03. Available at: (Visited: 2007-12-14)Extract:"This short essay, based on a presentation given at the 2001 American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference, enumerates a number of possibilities for open source software (OSS) in libraries and how it can be leveraged to provide better and more effective digital library collections and services."Dublin Core analysis:DC Title: Possibilities for Open Source Software in LibrariesDC Creator: MORGAN LEASE, EricDC Identifier: DC Date: 2002-03DC Description: Presents Open Source Software briefly defined and contrasted with homegrown systems. Deals with the state of OSS in libraries and their possibilities in libraries. DC Subject: libraries; open source software; GNUDC Format: HTMLDC Type: text; essayDC Langage: EnglishDC Rights: Information Technology and Libraries (ITAL) DC Relation: volume 21, number 1, March 2002, Information Technology and Libraries (ITAL), ISSN 0730-9525DC Publisher: Library & Information Technology Association DC Coverage: USA